Saturday, June 10, 2017

Fake Happiness...

     Wonder what happens behind closed doors?  Some people can show that they're completely happy around other people and when they're away from the home and family, Going away from these people gives them a chance to be their true self and be happy. What is the truth when they go home to their SO (or children going home to parents)? Maybe who the person they're away from shows absolutely no happiness or reaction when they're around them and they don't care if they smile or cry because sometimes they rather be miserable and want to bring them down with them. Always want the victims attention when they want to tell them or show them something, though the victim cant even make them happy or make them smile, They show no reaction to your jokes or enjoy music with you and They're constantly annoyed simply because the victim wants to tell them a funny story on something that happened or listen to an amazing song they found. Maybe there's nothing but negativity and a smart mouth to them when they show happiness.  Is this abuse? What should these victims do when they are with someone like that?...
     Maybe there's physical abuse covered up but no one notices. The old excuse "I fell out of bed", "I was hit with a ball", "I tripped".  Some people can get into situations so bad and are stuck because they have nowhere else to go and such a soft hearted person that they cannot bare to see the abuser cry when they have left them, so they return voluntarily to be their punching bag or negative absorber. Maybe they're not able to financially support themselves and/or the children if they separated. What is the perfect comeback to that one, what would you say? Maybe we should dig a little deeper and think, this abuser was probably raised just like this to where they think these victims owe them something, it gives them a chance to treat another as they were treated though this does not excuse for how they treat others. Constantly bringing them down as if it is their goal and No one else can have this victim because they belong to them and they know that. The abuser knows you love them, and it makes perfect sense, and is the perfect setting for this creation. We should never believe half of what we see from the outside, and shouldn't be afraid to take on the task of saving another from any type of abuse. I have yet to understand that when other people (friends or family of the abusers or victims)  see how these abusers are acting and never say a word to them in their behavior or try to open their eyes that they could lose this person. Personally encountered this while the abuser claims to be the victim!  Seen this so many times it's truely the perfect reverse psychology technique to make the victim end up being the apologetic one and look as if they're the abuser and this is all their fault.  We should not be nieve to these excuses and talk to these people. Maybe you can be the lighthouse to their storm... Let's step up!

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