Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Love Yourself

What do you do in your free time/ down time when you are all alone without kids and/or the SO around? It happens so rarely for me, I don't know what to do. Should I take a nap, clean the house that I always complain about because of the kids, should I turn the radio on and hangout via Facebook, or what about upkeeping myself- eyebrows, teeth cleaning, hairstyles? What do you do vs what should you do? When your life is completely engulfed in nothing but work work work, especially the kind that you do not get paid for, you should STOP and take yourself a day here and there, it certainly isn't hurting anyone. Maybe go for a jog, do a little gardening. Find and love yourself, bc what would the world look like for the ones that love you if you weren't here and doing what you do? People don't always notice what you do in life just because you stay at home, but would it be those things you do or would it be you that they miss if anything happened? I have a fun, interesting idea that would probably help and serve anyone that feels like they're alone in this world and unappreciated, A challenge sort-of. Making a list of things to ask my family, the kids and my friends (individually), simply because I want to see what the answers are just for my curiosity and boredom, but more importantly, information to see what your best feature is, what people love and would miss about you if You were gone. Some people, this could give perspective to what they may want to work on or change in their life if they don't get the answers that makes them feel better about themselves. Would love for everyone to do this with me and comment with your feedback on what you feel like after and thoughts on your answers (you don't have to put your answers). Mine will be in the comments as well 😉 Good luck 🍀 😘
                                 Fifteen Questions Quiz
#1     How did we meet?
#2     How Long and Well do you know me?
#3     Are we Friends, Family or Acquaintances?
#4     What is your favorite characteristic of me?
#5     What quality do I need to improve on?
#6     What is your favorite memory of us together?
#7     What would you miss about me the most?
#8     What would be my nick-name for you and why?
#9     Am I important to you? Why am I important to you?
#10   [close your eyes] What is my eye color?
#11    How do I make you feel?
#12    What is the one thing about my past that I would change for the better if I could do over?
#13    How have I impacted, challenged or influenced your life?
#14    What do you think is holding me back from my true self?
#15    Where do you think we will be in 10, 20 or 30 years?

* life is too short to worry about the little things. It should be about family, friends and love - spending quality time and making memories! ❤️  Along in all the craziness and daily hustle, DONT FORGET TO LOVE YOURSELF!


  1. Reading these questions and discussing the responses with you, I realized that you mean more to me than I let on. I would be lost without you. Maybe, we should learn to tell our family and friends just how much they mean to us and how much we care. Life is short and tomorrow is not promised. I love you!

  2. Awwwwww, I love you too and would be lost without you as well! 😘
    I hope this quiz really helps people in life, I know it will help me. Positive feedback is always a great quality people can give.

  3. After a whole day of getting the questions fulfilled, I have felt more secure and proud of myself from the positive feedback on The quiz. Many have questioned themselves in the process, making them realize that life is DEFINATELY too short, NOT to tell your family and friends that you love them and how you feel, or how you make them feel. To hear the words that you make someone happy, or content is the greatest feeling in the world! A lot of my answers matched up from different people, and that showed exactly who I connect with and who I do not connect with. Upon hearing anything negative as far as what you need to improve on yourself really takes a hit to an extent, but I look forward to challenging myself to correct that issue of "lack of self confidence on the outside appearance " or that I need to work on my patience. We are only human and we all make mistakes, I don't think this is anything that I cannot at least work on, even if it never changes. Has anyone else completed the challenge?
